Although the Bit System worked well in Season 1, Season 2 operates on a capitalist system based on iron, diamond, and netherite currency. Exchange rates fluctuate daily and rates can be viewed at the stock exchange.
ColCraft's Season 2 economy is based off the IDN System, which uses iron, diamonds, and netherite as currency. Although exchange rates fluctuate (check the stock exchange for daily exchange rates), 200 iron is roughly equal to 10 diamonds or 1 netherite. Companies set their own prices.
IDN SyStem
Companies AND PRICES
Everything Under the Sun (EUS)
Cheap Cobble (COB)
CrazySeth's Discount Store (CSD)
WellDan's store (WLD)
Lookie Lookie at my Bookie 2 (LLB)
CoalCraft (COL)
The Badlands (TBL)
1i=1 iron
1d= 1 diamond
64/1i = 64 items for 1 iron
3 stacks/2i = 192 items for 2 iron
You want to pick the store that gives you the most materials for the price. Here's an example:
White Concrete (16/1i at AAA) ​(4/1i at BBB)
AAA gives you 16 concrete for 1 iron. BBB gives you 4 concrete for 1 iron. Since AAA gives you more concrete for the price, you should go with them.
Smite I​ ​(1/2i at LLB)
Sharpness I ​(1/2i at LLB)
Aqua Affinity ​(1/2i at LLB)
Multiple Enchantments ​(1/3i at LLB)
White Concrete ​(16/1i at EUS)
Gray Concrete (16/1i at EUS)
Shield​ (2/1i at EUS)
Clay (Terracotta)
Terracotta (20/1i at TBL)​
Red Terracotta (20/1i at TBL)
Blue Terracotta (20/1i at TBL)
Brown Terracotta (20/1i at TBL)
White Terracotta (20/1i at TBL)
Oxeye Daisies (5/1i at EUS)
Rosebushes (5/1i at EUS)
Lilacs (5/1i at EUS)
Lily of the Valley (5/1i at EUS)
Blue Orchid (5/1i at EUS)
Dead Bush (4/1 at TBL)
Red Dye​ (16/1i at EUS)
Blue Dye (16/1i at EUS)
Light Purple Dye (16/1i at EUS)
Pink Dye (16/1i at EUS)
White Dye (16/1i at EUS)
Light Gray Dye (16/1i at EUS)
Yellow Dye (16/1i at EUS)
Orange Dye ​(16/1i at EUS)
End Items​​
Bread (64/1i at WLD) (10/1i at EUS)
Mushroom Stew (FREE at EUS)
Potatoes (64/1i at WLD) (16/1i at EUS)
Mob Drops
White Wool (2/1i at CSD) (8/1i at EUS)
Nether Items
Nether Brick (8/1i at CSD)​
Coal (32/1i at COL)​
Raw Materials
Sand (32/1i at EUS) (4/1i at CSD)
Red Sand (20/1i at TBL)
Gravel (32/1i at EUS)
Vines (8/1i at EUS)
Leaves (20/1i at EUS)
Lily Pads (8/1i at EUS)
Sugarcane (20/1i at EUS)
Polished Diorite (1/1i at CSD)
Polished Granite (1/1i at CSD)
Polished Granite Slabs (2/1i at CSD)
Polished Andesite (1/1i at CSD)
Redstone Blocks (2/1i at CSD)​
Dark Oak Logs​ (16/1i at EUS)
Dark Oak Planks (64/1i at EUS)
Oak Logs (16/1i at EUS)
Oak Planks (64/1i at EUS)
Stocks and Statistics
Only members can access stocks and statistics from the Department of Information and Statistics, as they must be approved for access. If you do not have access to the data and would like access, contact or send a message in the "business" section on discord.