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ColCraft first started keeping a detailed history of server events in February 2019.  As of February 2021, server history is restricted to our Discord.

Dec. 2016

ColCraft founded by Galena


Jan. 2017-Dec. 2018

Bit system adopted

Loose government constructed, with Galena as first Server Director

Few players joining


Dec. 2018

First Charter drafted by Galena


Feb. 2019

Charter does not pass the council, garnering 50% of the 66% required votes


Mar. 2019

Labs 1-5 created

Council unanimously votes to establish free “universities” to teach skills to all with no admission requirements.

Fedder Institute of Technology, ColCraft’s first “university”, is founded.

June 2019 Military testing ground established in modern day New Vegas

Work started on Lab 6

Ground broken at New Vegas City

PRISM, ColCraft’s most profitable company, created

Second Server War starts when Corruptia invades Galena

Second Server War ends with the capture of Corruptiana

Corruptia temporarily exiled from ColCraft


Aug. 2019

Work started on Venator Class Star Destroyer, funded by Galena

Explosion glitch discovered and research on the glitch begins at Lab 4

Nov. 2019 Charter passes the council

Yellow Alliance Trial, all members cleared of charges

Skidville becomes fourth named colony

Galena Aerospace Institute, Galena School of Law, Farsa School of Design, and New Vegas School of Arts and Theater formed

Zoom!  By Council of Yellow created


Nov. 2019

General, Public Works, Transportation, Military, Economics, Politics, and Preservation of History and Environment government departments are established.

Work started on New Vegas Stadium, a 1,048,576 seat stadium

New Vegas Stadium completed in 7 hours by a ColCraft build team

New ColCraft Discord Created

Skidville buys New Vegas Stadium

Yellow Alliance buys advertising rights to New Vegas Stadium

Corruptia elected as second Server Director


Dec. 1-4 2019

First international member, Bellberry, officially joins ColCraft from the UK

Unknown’s rampage

Server lockdown

Investigation into the rampage begins


Dec. 5-7 2019

Server lockdown lifted

Investigation concludes, AhmedCapo is charged, convicted, and removed from the server

Pesco, MY9, Bobbyflay, and Vexton are established

Galena v. Council  ends in Council winning 20 bits in damages

Bobbyflay removed as court judge

Gaming and Competition government department is established

Yellow Alliance test launches long-range missiles near Galenian Military Headquarters

Discovery and excavation of the Fortress

Third Server War begins with attempted invasion of Lab 6 by the Yellow Alliance

Yellow Alliance members imprisoned


Dec. 8-31 2019

Destruction of Galena data center

Subway bombings

Server lockdown

Investigation begins, Yellow Alliance tried, convicted, and temporarily disbanded

Server lockdown lifted

Formal accusation filed against Yellow Alliance, Yellow Alliance reforms

Welcome packet updated

Work begun on A History of ColCraft


Jan. 2020

ColCraft Department of Information and Statistics releases 2019 report

Bit system updated so inflation is eliminated, but economic activity is still encouraged by the flat tax.  The council will vote on continuing this system in May.


Feb. 2020

Second international member, Cornston, officially joins ColCraft from the UK


Mar. 2020

First Tech Expo planned

Department of Innovation and Technology established

Fourth server war pre-emptively negotiated by the Department of Peacekeeping, Cornston, Bellberry, Los Anaranjados, and Andromena all agree to a peace treaty

Los Anaranjados elected third Server Director

Pacha0022 from Venezuela joins ColCraft

ColCraft adds Spanish as a second official language


Apr. 2020

ColCraft website established

Jan_Spontan joins ColCraft from Germany

Inactive colonies removed from colony count


May 2020

Deliberations about Season 2 begin

Wall public works project accomplished

ColCraft Season 1 ends

Season 1 retrospective made

ColCraft Season 2 begins


June 2020

BPM2001 made an honorary member

Shopping District shut down due to theft

PhantomMystic 1 investigated, cleared

Shopping thefts decline

ColCraft Championships I held.


July 2020

ColCraft Championships II held.

Fort Quake is elected fifth Server Director

Mr. Amphibian accepted into ColCraft Hall of Fame

Press release for EXILE


August 2020

EXILE filming completed

EXILE premieres

The Vindicator takes over the server

Shopping theft culprit caught and given full amnesty


September 2020

First ColCraft Gala

The Vindicator tried for treason, is acquitted

The Vindicator voluntarily leaves the server


October 2020

Server address

Government coup

Government coup suppressed by Mountain Alliance

Pioneer I rocket launch fails and kills three astronauts

Pioneer II succeeds in establishing an orbit station

Mr. Amphibian elected sixth Server Director


November 2020

ColCraft Prize awarded

ColCraft Championships III held


December 2020

ColCraft's fourth birthday celebration

Server Administrator assassinated

Military coup

VonWhiskers steps down as Server Administrator


January 2021

ColCraft Offerings Packet published in the stead of a 2020 Report

Work begun on Season 3

Domestic and International Discords merged into one


Looking for history past January 2021?  As part of a centralization initiative, we've moved it to our Discord.  Members can view history upon request.


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