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Government Departments

Please note that the current Government Departments can be found here.  These are the Government Departments for Season 1, not the current season.


Below is a list of the government departments, their heads, and their functions.


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General Department

Server Director, Los Anaranjados (at the time)

  1. Manage all government departments

Public Works


  1. Manage all infrastructure (with the exception of transportation)

  2. Suggest infrastructure improvement plans not related to transportation and carry out those plans if approved by the Council

  3. Ensure all colonies have equal access to infrastructure


Server Administrator, Galena

  1. Provide free, safe public transportation systems that maximize safety and efficiency

  2. Regulate the private transportation market

  3. Ensure equal access for all to transportation



  1. Keep the server in a state of peace and stability

  2. Defend all colonies not in war

  3. Prevent needless destruction and terrorism


Server Co-Director, Andromena

  1. Eliminate corruption

  2. Propose yearly budget plans to the council for approval and carry out those plans if approved

  3. Regulate the bit system

  4. Manage the stock market

Preservation of History and Environment


  1. Designate sites as "Heritage Sites" and protect those sites from development or change

  2. Maintain quality of life

  3. Preserve ecological wonders

Information and Statistics

Server Administrator, Galena

  1. Provide relevant and accurate statistics for free public use

  2. Issue a yearly report on the state of the server, starting in January 2020

  3. Ensure all materials are updated regularly

Gaming and Competition


  1. Regulate all competition in sporting events

  2. Manage funds delegated by the Economics Department towards the promotion of sporting events

  3. Plan the yearly Olympics

  4. Ensure fair competition on all levels

Innovation and Technology

Server Administrator, Galena

  1. Issue and regulate patents

  2. Plan the biannual Tech Expo

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